Jessi K.'s profile was updated
Bunny changed their profile picture
Bunny's profile was updated
Correnzo Volkov's profile was updated
Correnzo Volkov and
Asian Fahza Gamer are now friends
Asian Fahza Gamer changed their profile picture
Correnzo Volkov and
Will Corvus are now friends
FAQ’s got a quick touch up.
I’m happy with how flushed out this social network for #streamers is getting. Decided I’d rig up the site to auto share the content of our #twitchtv #streamers & other #creators to twitter, so this is a test 🙂
cryptixftw and
Correnzo Volkov are now friends
I don’t really have that much gaming content to fill this empty wall with while I dev. here’s another IG embed from when I was working on YeetFighter (think salty bet, but with crypto betting). Haven’t been able to work on it much while I’ve been in Canada though. Just can’t find the time.
I’m Testing external link previews.
Haven’t been on my IG in a while though. Broke my phone right before I left for cCnada and decided I wasnt going to replace it until mid July when I go back to the states. More 420 stuff will come though, and whatever else I might be doing.
I’m really happy with how nicely along user profiles are coming 🙂
Will Corvus changed their profile picture
Correnzo Volkov changed their profile picture
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
KennnyG wrote a new post
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Brother Grimoire wrote a new post
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test failed but I’ll get it sometime soon, probably