Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Nelson Murdock changed their profile picture
Nelson Murdock became a registered member
James Wu's profile was updated
Just joined, hope to grow and help other grow too
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
I’ve had reports that our twitter RT bot is failing to pickup some people. I made some adjustments to it’s code so it should better see live now tweets and such. I imagine it’ll need a few more tweeks but I’ll get it up to snuff soon 🙂
I promise I’ll try to use this more…
Hey everyone I’m new to this page and want any pointers, on putting content I’m a twitch affiate small time streamer who basically just has fun I play fortnite I’m not very good but I love story line games day’s gone, resident evil all sorts so yeah thanks for having a page like this
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Brother Grimoire's profile was updated
hi guy i am new here so what are the rules for posting video game content or posts
Correnzo Volkov wrote a new post
Luke's profile was updated
Just a little Introduction for everyone to see what I am all about! My name is JosephVegas and I’d like to welcome you to The Vegas Strip. Here we like to play a variety of Games but more focused towards RPG games and FiveM Roleplay. We are always enjoying a good laugh here and love engaging with everyone. I started streaming just over a 2 months…Read More
LEGACYDOTCOM's profile was updated
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